Included in this booklist are Recent Arrivals, The Viola Bowman Collection, Overviews of Beinsa Douno and his Teaching, Practices taught by Beinsa Douno including Paneurhythmy, and Various Teachings of Beinsa Douno covering a wide range of topics.
New -
Thoughts for
Every Day - 2024-2045
This book
contains quotes from Beinsa Douno for each day of the year, for
September 22, 2024 - September 21, 2024. 236 pages. $10.
Quote for 10/23/2025 - "Prana is contained in the Sun. Precisely for that reason, it is recommended that people go out early in the mornng to receive a greater amount of prana. It is enough for them to stand out in the sun for ten minutes to receive what is needed for their body. They must then process the energy they have received." The Divine and the Human World, Morning Talks, 7/23/1940. Quote for 2/10/2025 - "It is not enough for one just to believe. He must try things and convince himself of their truth." Freedom and Limitation, Morning Talks, 10/9/1932. Quote for 2/7/2025 - "Many, educated and uneducated, do not understand what a tremendous influence thoughts and feelings have on the inner life of a person, and hence on his health, as a result of which they seek their happiness in an unnatural way." Desired peace, Rila Talks, 8/28/1938. |
New -
Paneurhythmy Health
and Wellness (free e-book)
This book
summarizes the scientific findings of Professor Ludmila
Chervencova on the benefits of Paneurhythmy for physical,
emotional, and mental health. 70 pages:
"Paneurhythmy implies economical - not complicated, but expedient movements that give an excellent result." According to him, Paneurhythmy assists mainly for improving and maintaining people's health, but it also helps one's psychic, ethical and spiritual development as well as attainment of virtues. The author of Paneurhythmy said that through its practice, a person can easily acquire inner balance, connect with the ascending creative powers within oneself and in nature, and be youthful." |
French Edition - Lights
Along the Path of Life: A Collection of 99 Inspiring Stories This book offers 99 stories from Beinsa Douno that
will shine "Lights along the Path" of your life. They've been
color coded according to the Color Ray (see Testament of the
Color Rays) that they seem to most express, and include numerous
color illustrations and photographs. 7.4"x9.7"-130 pages $18.
Also available in Spanish as "Luces en el Camino de la Vida",
and in French as "Lumières sur les chemins de la vie".
"The Law
of Transfiguration |
New -
For Disciples of the Universal White Brotherhood
This In 1920, the Master Beinsa
Douno gave a set of Biblical exerpts for his followers to read
and meditate on, to develop the qualities of Love, Wisdom,
Truth, Righteousness, Virtue, Christ's Glory, and the Spirit.
They are offered here in a 19-page booklet for $1 (plus
shipping). "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him." James 1:5 "That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him." Ephesians 1:17 From the Introduction: "As those who regard themselves as disciples know, the Universal White Brotherhood is an ancient sacred name, by which the spiritual beings who guide humankind in its development are called. This term refers not to the physical world, but to those great and perfect souls who have completed their human development and who, with Love and Wisdom, guide humanity on the way to perfection. The readings outlined in this booklet offer a powerful opportunity to participate in this evolutionary process." |
Updated - Music and Lyrics of the Paneurhythmy (free e-book) This book provides all the music & lyrics needed for English-speakers to sing the Paneurhythmy in both Bulgarian and English, using the English version from Vessela Nestorova. It is most useful in tandem with the Paneurhythmy Sung in English recording of Sophia Hoffman. The 2023 Edition has been enhanced with a more polished version of the music and lyrics from 2022. It also has new sections giving the English translation of the Bulgarian version and the Cyrillic text of the Bulgarian version. 91 pages. Pan_Music_and_Lyrics_2nd_Edition.pdf | |
HARDBACK NOW AVAILABLE - Paneurhythmy - Music, Ideas, Movements, This revised and expanded 2022 edition of Paneurhythmy, Supreme Cosmic Rhythm is compiled and translated by Ernestina Staleva and Antoaneta Krushevska. Like the previous edition, it contains detailed instructions on The 28 Exercises, The Rays of the Sun, and the Pentagram, with music and lyrics, and numerous quotes from Beinsa Douno on the inner purposes of the various movements. Both editions have beautiful color photographs and early archive photographs illustrating every movement (sample page), and with instrumental arrangements for the dance, for 2 violins. The new edition has expanded General Guidelines for performing Paneurhythmy with additional instructions for Part 1 (the first 28 exercises). It has an expanded set of photographs of Paneurhythmy being danced around the world. And the translation has been improved. 280 pages (cover page): hardback $38. paperback $30. 2015 Edition (272 pages): $20. Kindle Edition: $4.95 on "In The Rays of the Sun when it is spoken about the "Mother", it means that Mother within Sentient Nature. Within the name "Mother", is hidden the Name of God. The exercises, The Rays of the Sun, are from the Temples of the initiated and are the music, speech and movements of the Sun. When you perform them, you become conductors of Love and Light, and you spread those rays and ideas that are to be transmitted throughout the world." | |
NEW - Rudolf Steiner and Peter Deunov: Anthroposophy and The White Brotherhood on The New Man, These two great spiritual teachers taught in Europe during roughly the same period of time, and shared a number of common aims, while adapting their teachings to the different needs of their audiences. Harrie Salman, a longtime student of both teachers, explores their parallel paths and how they can complement each other in our spiritual evolution. Available on "Many of you are unbalanced in spirit, nervous only because you do not let the intelligent heart speak. When it begins to speak, you say to yourself: don't listen to your heart, listen to your mind. No, first man must listen to his intelligent heart, and then to his mind!" | |
Limited Copies - Along the Path of Light, A beautiful collection of photos of the Teacher and his disciples, filled with quotes from the teaching and descriptions of life in the Brotherhood, in Bulgarian, French, and English. This book has been out-of-print for a long time, but 3 copies recently showed up. 72 pages, 8.25x11.25 inches, $21. "Why have I assembled you here in the School? To form a society of people who should have a great love for one another and to form a milieu of Love, and from this centre, ther would be spread powerful waves of Love throughout the world. This Love will spread in the world, reach the human souls and wake them up." | |
New Paperback Version - The Testament of the Color Rays of Light, Excerpts from the Old and New Testaments, arranged by Color Ray, by Beinsa Douno, to be used as a meditation while visualizing the appropriate Ray, for acquiring the qualities of that Ray. 128 pages including appendices with explanations and commentaries, paperback (same contents a earlier hardback version), $8. 'THE SPIRIT OF POWER - The Violet Rays:. "By the power of the Spirit of God." Ro 15:19 "The Lord has established His throne in heaven; and His kingdom rules over all." Ps 103:19 Power: For the kingdom of God is not in word, but in power." 1 Co 4:20 "The kingdom of God is within you." Lk 17:21 Gentleness: "Your gentleness has made me great." II Sam. 22:36 "But let patience have its perfect work." James 1:4 "Humble in spirit." Is 57:15' | |
FREE - Love Wisdom Truth translated by Darin Stoytchev. A collection of quotes from Beinsa Douno on the subjects of spiritual and Divine love, wisdom, and truth. 206 pages, $8. "Have you had a conversation with your soul? How can you do this? This is the greatest question. Talk to your soul, and you will understand a lot of great things. If you do not, you will be a first-class fool. Soul, this is the mother of man." "Prepare yourself for paradise. With the burden of materialism, one will not stay a moment in paradise. The materialism that a man has in his consciousness is so heavy that if he happens to enter paradise with it, he will be expelled in less than a second, or will go down." "If you work with the good and lose, do not worry. At the end, the loss will transform into gain. This is the belief." "What will set the world right. Applying Love will set the world right. Many tried the stick, but couldn't do it." | |
Peter Deunov as Remembered by Milka Periklieva, a Disciple This is an expanded version of Reminiscences, Talks with the Master, published by Milka's niece Marta in 2013. It contains charming and enlightening stories of Milka's interactions with the Master. 151 pages, $20. "'There is no greater thing in human life than prayer; it is communion with God, with the Initial Cause. Through prayer we become instruments of the higher forces, which support the whole of humanity. The fragrance of flowers is their prayer. And if you have to pray, leave aside your personal affairs and interests and think only about God. If you wish your prayer to be accepted by God, it must be directed only towards Him.' While the Master was speaking thus, his face shone and his voice flowed like living water. I had never felt the strength of his words as I felt it on this occasion. There was an unkown fragrance in the room and the feeling of an unusual presence. I listened breathlessly and worte it down in my notebook, knowing not what I wrote or why I wrote." | |
The Sunday Lectures - Volumes 1-3
Starting in 1914, and going through 1944, Peter Deunov gave
lectures every Sunday exploring the Biblical words of Christ in
a modern spiritual context. These three volumes contain many of
the lectures from the period of 1914-1919. They overlap to some
extent with the books, The Salt, and The Spirit and the Flesh,
but cover more lectures. Also, the translator, Demitri Emanuel,
provides a fresh translation that is somewhat different, though
complementary, to the earlier translations by Vesela Nestorova.
Note: These are also available as e-books on other websites. The Sunday Lectures - Volume 1: lecture years 1914-1915, 391 pages, $18 The Sunday Lectures - Volume 2: lecture years 1915-1917, 463 pages, $18 The Sunday Lectures - Volume 3: lecture years 1917-1919, 524 pages, $21 All three volumes: $55 "You see that Christianity is a science, it's not for entertainment. And do you know what kind of science Christianity is? It's a great school with its own departments, classes, universities, academies, and everyone who goes and listens there must understand what he is hearing." "Hope brings life, faith resurrects, and love connects. Hope relates to the heart, to the feelings, to the physical life. If you need hope, say, 'Lord, clothe me with hope.' Hope is not given, but it is put on. It is a garment that man puts on. Putting on, giving - these are Divine processes." |
Sacred Words - A call to the disciple The first 500 verses of Sacred Words of the Master, "A call to the disciple", are available for your meditative study. Paperback, 104 pages, $10. "Faith makes things happen. A disciple always has faith. Super-consciousness is the source of faith.""A disciple is always vigilant, wide awake, and joyful in life.""Love is sublime! Love is the Great principle that always fills the soul of the disciple.""Be calm and quiet. Everything will go well." | |
Back in Stock - Sacred Words of the Master This extensive book was dictated by Beinsa Douno in the late 1930's, and is a primary sourcebook of his Teaching. It can be used as an oracle, to give one guidance on the issues one is currently facing, by opening the book spontaneously, in a meditative and prayerful state, and letting one's right forefinger move to the appropriate verse. Previously, only the first 500 verses of the book were available in English, in a translation by Vessela Nesterova. Now, Maria Mitovska and Phyllis Thorpe have built upon that and provided all 1788 verses of this book. It covers every area of spiritual life in pithy aphorisms. Together with the Paneurythmy and the Testament of the Color Rays, it is considered to be a primary pillar of the Master's Teaching. 416 pages. Hardbound leatherette. $25. "Peacemakers are living in the Divine Fire. Peacemaking is the Divine beam, which comes from the depth of the human soul. The peacemakers are the Sons of God. Peacemaking is a Divine Light and it comes from the flame that has created it." "The greater the sacrifice one makes, the bigger one becomes. The more sacrifices one makes, the wiser one becomes, the stronger one becomes, and the better one becomes. Good people have sacrificed themselves, that is why they are strong." "Open your hearts to the Divine and do not think about what will happen to you. Open your minds to the sublime and bright thoughts and do not worry about tomorrow." "Joy should accompany you. Your mind cannot grow without joy. Your mind cannot be strong if you have no peace." | |
Health and Sickness - Thoughts from the Lectures and Talks of the Master on the Problems of Human Health Compiled by Dr. Vassil Velev. This is the most comprehensive book to be published in English, on health and healing in the Master's teachings. It covers general principles, and also specific healing methods using food, water, breathing, solar rays, color rays, music, movement, thought, and spiritual healing. Not as systematic a presentation as Child of the Universe, but a larger collection of source materials that make a good companion work to the Child of the Universe booklet. Hardbound 303 pages. SALE PRICE $6 $12. "There was a young girl in Knjazhevo, who during the time of the battles and conflicts that the Bulgarians had in1918 was wounded because a piece of cartridge had hit her arm. The doctors made her five or six surgeries but could not get the cartridge out and finally decided to cut the arm. Her family came to ask me what to do. I know the effect of the sunrays on iron and said, 'Let her expose her arm for three to four hours daily to the Sun. ' And really one day after three to four months of constant sun treatment the metal piece appeared from the cartridge, fell out and the child was relieved...The Sun produces electricity and magnetism and by that it makes the best surgery. " "Do the following experiment - you are sick, weak in spirit, but it is winter, you can't go out and have a walk. Imagine you are climbing a mountain peak, which you well know, you have been there and experience vividly the whole hourney as if your are taking it at that moment. Climb up the peak and get back. You may do a walk each day. This exercise of your mind would immediately tone up your brain." | |
In the Kingdom of Living Nature translated by Vessela Nesterova, This book of talks by Beinsa Douno covers a variety of interesting and useful topics, relating to right relationship with the spiritual forces contained in Living Intelligent Nature. "Living nature in its totality is a manifestation of rational forces of different dgrees, which live in perfect unity. They all have a supreme purpose which we call Nature, Law, God, Reason - or that which is without limits or beginning in which all things move, exist, and develop." "Decide sincerely to think clearly, to feel nobly, and to act disinterestedly. When you make this experiment, you will see the results." 120 pages, hardbound, SALE PRICE $6 $12. (note: These teachings, while fundamentally universal, were also addressed to the mindset of early 20th century European esoteric viewpoints. Consequently, a number of racial references, relating to the concept of a future 6th race, and the white race as a forerunner of this race, are contained in this book. These references, which have parallels in other esoteric teachings from those times such as Theosophy and Anthroposophy, may be seen as offensive from a modern perspective. Please note that Beinsa Douno's fundamental thrust is the liberation of all people, not just white Slavic people. As an example, he played a key role in saving the Bulgarian Jews from the Holocaust. Also, elsewhere (see The Wellspring of Good), Beinsa Douno emphasizes that each race has a unique and valuable contribution to make to the evolution of humanity. As a teacher who addressed many differing needs and perspectives, he suggested that you take from his offerings what works for you, and leave the rest. If you can overlook the small portions of his teachings that were peculiar to his time and place, there are many timeless treasures to be found in this book) | |
The Royal Path of the Soul This book contains talks given by Beinsa Douno in 1935, in the Seven Lakes area of the Rila Mountains, and in the the spiritual center called Izgrev (Sunrise) in Sofia, Bulgaria. contains numerous inspiring quotes from Beinsa Douno on such topics as spiritual living, breathing, light, food, water, and the alchemy of good. 5.25"x8"x0.8". 260 pages. $10. "The human soul should be subjected to a high temperature—the fire of Love and a great pressure—the pressure of Wisdom in order to become Divine. When the soul crystallizes and turns from a coal into a diamond, then the high temperature and the great pressure will be reduced and become easier to bear. And then the soul-diamond will be placed on the crown of some king to shine from a distance and reflect the rays of the Divine sun." | |
Bright Thoughts This pocket-sized book contains numerous inspiring quotes from Beinsa Douno on such topics as spiritual living, breathing, light, food, water, and the alchemy of good. 2.75"x2.75". 264 pages. $5.00 "If you are healthy, if you have clear feelings and bright thoughts, then there is gold within you. The solar energy creates gold within the human being." "The best medicine in the world, this is the human joy." "The beauty in life is this: Even when your affairs are not going well, you still are not worried." "To love and be loved - this is the meaning of life." | |
Paneurythmy (free e-book) presented by Maria Mitovska and Krum Vazharov, A brief introduction to the principles and steps of the Paneurythmy, Sunbeams, and Pentagram movements (sacred dances), with quotes and photographs of Beinsa Douno, demonstrating the Paneurythmy to his followers. Filled with excellent quotes on the esoteric principles of Paneurythmy, that are not available elsewhere. 64 pages, with photographs and illustrations. This important book is out of print, but we are providing a free scanned PDF copy of the book. Click here: Paneurhythmy_Guide.pdf | |
Absolute Purity
This booklet contains the
lecture, Absolute Purity, given by the Master Beinsa Douno to
the General Esoteric Class at the Fifth Lake of the Rila
Mountains, Bulgaria, on August 21, 1929. 4"x6". 48 pages. $3.
"The first condition for
attaining Divine Life is Purity. The human soul is longing,
praying, and searching for it. The knowledge, strength, freedom,
and light of the physical world depend on Purity, in the
spiritual world - on sanctity, and in the Divine worlds - on
Love. When you descend, you need to work on these ideas:
service, respect, and love. To ascend you need to attain Purity,
Sanctity, and Love.
El Manantial del Bien: Las ultimas palabras del Maestro (The
Wellspring of Good: Spanish Edition)
This valuable introduction to
the teachings of Beinsa Duno is now available in Spanish.
These are the final teachings of Beinsa Duno, given in shortly
before he passed on. 6"x9". 368 pages. $14.
"Pon la verdad en tu alma y la
libertad que buscas, la adquiriras.
Pon la sabiduria en tu mente, la luz vendra y el conocimiento te dara su ayuda.
Pon la pureza en tu corazon, el amor vendra y la vida real
empezara." "Cada hoja
necesita amar a todas las otras hojas del arbol ya que depende
de ellas. Hay una interconexion entre todos los seres. Ustedes
deben tener una relacion intrinseca con todos los seres
vivientes. Nosotros buscamos esas relaciones que existian entre
las almas en el Comienzo.
Devotional Songs For the first time, the complete
songs of Beinsa Duno and his immediate disciples (with the exception
of most of the Paneurhythmy music) are available with not only
transliterated lyrics, but complete translation of the lyrics
into English. The notated music has additional harmonization and
chord symbols, thus allowing guitar or piano players to
accompany the singers. In addition, valuable Explanatory Notes and
excerpts from the Beinsa Duno's talks on music are included.
8.5"x 11". 236 pages. $15. "Every song should bear
light, warmth, and power. Nature appreciates such tones filled
with light, warmth, and power. They are a Divine blessing to the
world |
The New Day This book contains the only lecture directly edited by
the Master. It's subject matter is somewhat esoteric, so
apparently he found the transcription of the lecture beyond the
capabilities of the stenographers. Nevertheless, it contains
numerous gems of insight and inspiration, if the reader receives
what he/she can absorb, and leaves the rest for future study.
Topics covered include New Directions in the Conscious Life of
Nature, Pressure and Tension, Enlightened Life. 4.54"x6.5"-72 pages
$5. "The
world of today is destined to undergo a great transformation.
Heaven is a place where all beings love each other and live for
each other. In the New understanding of life, people are going
to realize that the good for one is the good or all. The New
consciousness and udnerstanding will bring a radical
transformation to the whole order of life |
NEW EDITION Prayers, Formulas, Devotional Songs This expanded edition (53 more pages) contains excerpts from profound lectures by Beinsa Douno on prayer. It also contains key prayers, devotional songs (with explanations, accompanying exercises, and English translations), and invocations given or recommended by Beinsa Douno, and regularly used by his followers. approx. 5"x7.5"-163 pages-beautifully hardbound in maroon leatherette with a gold colored bookmark ribbon. $17. "Prayer is a Divine Ray which radiates from the soul of every person. It is the breathing of the soul." "There are no beings more highly developed than the Angels. The next phase that humankind will enter is the Angelic Phase. Then our heavy bodies will be transformed into ones that are more dynamic. They will be composed of matter that is more refined. How will these be created? Through prayer, contemplation, and meditation. In other words, prayer is a method of organizing the spiritual body - the new body - in which man will live." "Morning Prayer to be Said upon Arising: O, Great Love, the Source of all the good in my life. Give me, as your child, Your Support, That I may gain in Knowledge. I am aware of my connection with You, And in my aspiration for You I have no fear of earthly temptations, For I believe that the fulfillment of my mission is to unite with You. (continue with uplifted hands) Please, my Lord, infuse me with the living Powers of the Cosmos, That every cell of my body may be penetrated, That life and health my be brought to it, That my spirit may be strengthened, That I may fulfill the mission for which I have come to earth. Amen" | |
The World of Great Souls, by Beinsa
Douno, This booklet of profound meditative verses was given by
the Master Beinsa Douno in 1932. This edition is accompanied by
illustrations from artist Lili Dimkova (see
sample). It also contains instructions for using the book as
a meditative practice, and a biography of Beinsa Douno. 55 pages
$7 "Walk in the bright Way of Life Where fire burns and water flows, Where air blows and grass grows, Where blossom blooms and fish swims, Where bird flies and human thinks; Where Spirit outlines the future And Truth reigns. Keep your eyes open When Virtue smiles. Keep your ears open When Truth speaks. Be at work when the Spirit of Wisdom Outlines the times to come." |
Songs of the White Brotherhood (free e-book) by Peter Danov (Beinsa Douno). This book contains the notes and lyrics to all, or at least many, of the songs composed by Beinsa Douno. The titles are in Bulgarian, English, and French. The lyrics are in Bulgarian, but are printed in both the Cyrillic and the English alphabet. In other words, you don't have to learn another alphabet to pronounce them. If you ever go to the Rila Mountains, and want to sing along with the brothers and sisters after Paneurythmy, this is the book to have! Titles include Joy, Joy for the Soul, Bulgarian Rhapsody, Rejuvenation, Song of the Bright Path, The Flowers were in Bloom. 221 pages. This important book is out of print, but we are providing a free download of a scanned PDF copy of the book here (it's a big file, and will take some time to download). Click here: Songs of the White Brotherhood | |
The Teacher - Volume 1 - The Dawning Epoch, This book presents the first twelve years of lectures given by the Teacher, Peter Deunov (Beinsa Douno). Drawing on the great experience of Maria Mitovska as a Bulgarian disciple, combined with Harry Carr's background as a native Englishman, the translators have adapted the Teacher's words specifically for contemporary readers of the English language. The book has been written for those already some way into their spiritual development who are looking to work with this teaching or simply to deepen their knowledge. Extensive footnotes demonstrate the teaching's foundation in a mystical understanding of the Bible, enabling those brought up as Christians who have needed to seek esoteric wisdom elsewhere to continue the path of their development while reconnecting with their Christian roots. 448 pages. $30."Every one of you needs to love and sanctify the Name of the Lord, to contribute towards the coming of the kingdom of God on earth, and to do everything you can to fulfil the will of God. So, the Lord first wants us to sanctify the Name of God, which primarily relates to the body; second, to desire the coming of the kingdom of God, which primarily relates to the heart; and third, to fulfil the will of God, which primarily relates to the mind." The Teacher gave a breathing formula that used these parts of the Lord's Prayer, to be said in the mind while breathing through the nose: While breathing in: May the Name of God be hallowed within me. Holding the breath: May the kingdom of God and His righteousness reign throughout me. When exhaling: May God's will be done. | |
Dawning of a New Epoch: Collection of Lectures, This series of talks from 1914 explores the essential principles behind the teachings of the New Testament and the coming of the New Age. 88 pages, $7. "The majority of people do not realize the importance of this day. However, it will remain memorable for many, because today marks the end of one epoch and the beginning of another- a new one." "All our organs and body parts are serving, but at the same time limiting us. We should know their role so that they can function properly. Now the creation of the Spiritual Light body is our responsibility. Up till now in our evolution, most of the time it leaves us and we get separated from it. We should enter into relationship with all the entities that compose our body, that live in it and support our life. This means, as Christ says, to be united with Heaven, and this is our obligation. Christ Himself became one with all the entities. He sacrificed Himself not only on the cross, but the existence of everything we are living on now, comes from Christ, and for this reason, we love Him. He has left a treasure for us to use, not to become attached to. He has given it for us to benefit from, not to take and divide. Christ sacrificed Himself for this treasure, and if we do not use it properly, He will take it back.He has given it to us so that we may develop spiritually and prepare ourselves for the Angelic Life, in other words, after this earthly life to be able to make the transition to a higher life in the World of the Angels." | |
Rila - The Sacred Book- Selected from "Conversations at the Seven Rila Lakes" The inspiring Rila lakes and mountains were the setting for these inspired talks by the Master. With Bulgarian and English versions, 150 pages $8. "Sometimes you say to yourself: 'I do not feel like doing this, I do not feel like doing that.' This way you become petrified. A man has to know what to do - help where it is needed, water this tree, clean this fountain. You walk down the road and you see a rock - pick it up! The picking up of this rock will bring your great happiness. Do not ask: 'Why would I pick it up?'; when you pick it up, it will rejoice. The first thing is to work on our ascension and on the envrionment, in which we are placed, to be in service of everyone. All the people, to whom you have given one pear from your own garden, have become your friends. This is why it is good for your bags to be full of pears." | |
Peter Deunov - Prophet for the New Age - A Call to My People "In 1898, the angel Elohil gave a prophetic message to Peter Deunov that was addressed to the Bulgarian people. This message known as A Call to My People, proides the spiritual backgrdound for an understanding of the work of Peter Deunov. It announces the Second Coming of Christ in a New Age, in which the slavic nations will step foraward as the carriers of a new culture of love and brotherhood." (from the introduction by Harrie Salman) Although this message is addressed to Bulgarians, it is by proxy addressed to all who aspire to serve this Second Coming in the hearts of humanity. The commentary by Harrie Salman provides some useful insights into the correlations between Beinsa Douno's teachings and those of Rudolph Steiner. With Bulgarian and English versions, 115 pages $8. "Do not grieve God by your conduct; do not doubt His Truth, which He brings to you from the Heavenly Dwellings as a sign of His faithfulness and His love for you. Become enlightened, pull yourselves together, become conscious of the truth of life. He Who has given birth to you keeps watch over you. You know His Name. Doubt not nor hesitate, but put aside your faintheartedness; come to the eternal light of life to know the eternal ways of God, Who has raised you from the ashes of nothingness to the glory and greatness of immortality. Do not err, but make a place for Him Who gives you life. In Him the families, generations and nations do not disappear, but they are restored and regenerated through the same Eternal Spirit, who puts everything in this great Divine World in order. Renewal is a great blessing for you, which contributes to your becoming worthy of entering the path of light, which is endowed with peace and love at every step. This blessing is the powerful and eternal generator of life, which uplifts all the fallen in spirit. It is the path to salvation which unfortunate mankind takes, summoned from Heaven to perform one more heroic deed, with which everything that is destined will be completed.'" | |
Light and Motion (formerly Toward the Light) Sacred art by Lilly Dimkova. Lilly presents colorful, light-infused images of Nature and portraits of Noetic beings, including the Master Beinsa Douno, accompanied by inspiring quotes from the Master. Among its pages are numerous powerful images that can truly move one's soul. Themes include Faces of the Future, Bulgarian Saints, forest, sea, snow, and sunlight, among others. A great present for connoisseurs of spiritual art! Reprinted with 4 additional images.108 pages, 8.5x11 inches, paperback. $16 | |
The Pentagram (Expanded Edition) This small, beautifully illustrated booklet contains an extract from Beinsa Douno's "Tuning of the Human Soul", taken from the Archives of Boyan Boev. It explains much of the mystical meaning of this sacred symbol, and how it can be used meditatively for protection and blessings in a life of service to God. This new edition uses a beautifully restored version of the original Pentagram painting by the artist Franz Shlambora, which shows the Pentagram bathed in sky blue, pink and gold-white light. 31 pages. $6. ( FYI, for more on the Pentagram, go to the Pentagram section under Paneurhythmy on the website The Master Peter Deunov ) "When in danger, one can imaging holding a Pentagram in front of oneself, with the right hand holding the Ray of Justice, and with the left hand holding the Ray of Truth, pointing the top of the Pentagram at the object of threat and saying 'In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ I pray to God, the Great and Mighty One, to do whatever is needed and acceptable in His eyes. The holder of a Pentragram needs to work fo the Glory of God. When used correctly, the Pentagram will be a source of bounties and blessings. If you desire to use its power well, you must irrevocably make a decision within yourself to serve God without looking for a way back.'" | |
Child of the Universe - Methods for healing taken from the lecturs of the Master (expanded edition). compiled by Dr. Svetla Baltova. This expanded edition of Man - A System of Energies and Forms, contains a wide variety of useful methods for attaining and maintaining true health, including diet, exercises (with photographs), breathing, visualization, and music. 176 pages. $10. "You need music as a cure. In your life as a disciple you pass through great troubles and sudden changes, joys and worries, which deposit poisons in you. Music is a remedy for them. There are some kinds of feelings which could poison your whole organism and destroy your liver and bile. That is why the disciple should know how to sing.... The basic sound 'do' is the key of life. If sung correctly, man can obtain vital energy from the sun, which he can distribute to all parts of his body. By singing, we attract those forces of nature, which harmonize us. This is a law of attraction." |
Dance of the Soul (expanded edition) by Ardella Nathanael. This new edition of Ardella's popular guide to Paneurhythmy has been expanded to include all of the movements including Sunbeams and Pentagram. In addition, it contains many photographs from both the historic roots and the current expressions of Paneurhythmy, numerous stories and testimonials from Paneurhythmy participants, a fascinating exploration of the history of Paneurhythmy, and one of the most popular Paneurhythmy CD's, the violin and guitar performance by Yoanna Strateva and her son Bojidar Simov. 301 pages, $26 with CD, $22 without CD. "Paneurhythmy is a vast science which in the future will be studied and its knowledge fully applied to implementing the Laws of the Universe, and protecting peace and harmony in human souls, Fore this purpose I have placed in your hands this, the key to my Teching. If you dance the Paneurhythmy correctly, the positive forces of Nature will flow through you, and connect you with one another, and connect all of you with the unbounded Cosmic Circle of Great Beings." | |
The Blossoming of the Human Soul translated by Ernestina Staleva. A collection of twenty talks by Beinsa Douno given between 1914 and 1930. 376 pages, $14. "I would like to leave you with a vital awareness, namely that you are a bud upon which you should bestow your total conscious attention as this is one of the most important things in your life. Once your sould has blossomed, there is nothing greater than seeing the Divine World and all the possbilities it contains." "I want you to be free because only then will you be able to manifest yourselves and develop your talents and gifts. Only then will Love, Wisdom, Truth, Justice, and Virtue, which you manifest, be in their right places. If you apply this Teaching, you will be lively and joyful, deep as the sea and vast as the sky. You need profoundness now! If you live in this way, whatever suffering may come to you, the thought that God is with you and you are with God, will stand out in your mind. If you think in this way, God will take you down from the cross on which you are crucified." | |
The Language of Love, Lectures Given at the Seven Rila Lakes in the Summer of 1939 While all the talks of the Master Peter Deunov are valuable, the more recent talks such as these tend to be more in the language of modern culture, and thus somewhat easier to connect with. This translation is less-than-perfect, but the overall meaning is fairly clear. 175 pages, $9. "No matter how insignificant somebody might appear in society, there are being that are appointed to protect and guard him. One thing only is required from you - to listen to the voice of those, who guard you and take care of you. Whatever Love tells you - listen to its voice. The solving of all problesm lies in obedience to Love. If you with to learn how to understand the language of Love and oedience, you will enter the practical school of life." | |
Out of Stock - Gems of Love, Prayers and Formulas by Beinsa Douno, "This book is the first English edition of the prayers and formulas of the great Bulgarian Spiritual Master, Beinsa Douno...." "... The book contains many exquisite prayers as well as concentrated formulas, which are powerful and transformative sacred affirmations. The contents include and introduction on prayer, a lecture on prayer called Union with God, and a commentary by Beinsa Douno on the Lord's Prayer." "The Beautiful Prayer: Lord God, make us as indestructible as diamonds, so that we may become the foundation of the new universe. Make us like conductors in Thy Living Church, so that we may transmit Divine Life to the people. Illuminate us with the strength of Thy Holy Spirit, so that we may awaken the sleeping souls with Thy words, thoughts and deeds. Reveal in us, dear Lord, Thy Divine essence, help us gather strength, so that we may know the Truth, that we may become children of light, that we may walk in the path of Justice, for the realisation of Thy Plan for the coming of Thy Kingdom on earth. Amen" "However difficult this work, I will finish it with God and with the Spirit which guides me. (The Master recommended the use of this formula when you find yourself in great difficulties. He called it the priceless formula)" 145 pages. $9. See Review |
Paneurythmy Volumes I and II. These books contain much of the deeper spiritual philosophy behind Paneurythmy. They include Viola's story of her time with the Master, a profound interpretation of Beinsa Douno's teachings on Paneurythmy and right living, with many quotes from the his teaching, the music and lyrics of Paneurythmy, as sung in Bulgaria, and instructions on the Paneurythmy. Volume II focuses on the Sunbeams and Pentagrams, and includes a special, updated version of the Pentagram symbol given by Beinsa Douno, that I have not seen anywhere else. The movement instructions may not be as precise as in other books, because the initial intended audience was school children. But as sourcebooks for deepening one's understanding of Beinsa Douno and Paneurythmy, these manuals are unparalleled. Vol.1, 144 pages. Vol.2, 82 pages. Purchase Options: Vol. 1 PDF e-book & with Vol. 2 printed copy - $20, Vol. 1 printed copy with Vol. 2 printed copy - $45. The Master on the Divine Mother Love theme in the Sunbeams: "Until now, man was living for himself. But from now on Mother Love, as an impulse within the consciousness of humanity, is urging an improvement for everyone without exception. Therefore, all people must act together for the well-being and happiness of the whole of humanity". "Unconditional Mother Love is the door through which man can enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Christ also pointed out to us that Love is the only path for salvation of the human soul." "Your Mother is coming." |
Overviews of Beinsa Douno and His Teaching
Prophet for Our Times, edited by David Lorimer, A biography of Beinsa Douno, followed by numerous excerpts from his talks, arranged by subject (God, the Noetic World, The Divine School, Master & Disciple, Fundamental Principles of Life, etc.) 272 pages $18 "It is only with and through love that the world will be set to rights. For my part, I am leaving. My work will continue on the other side. You do not have much time left. Be vigilant and do not be discouraged. You must all progress with greater enthusiasm. Be sincere and true to your mission. May peace be with you. A small task has been completed." | |
The Wellspring of Good: The Last Words of the Master Beinsa Douno (2013 Edition)) compiled by Bojan Boev and Boris Nikolov. The Master shares deep insights into the inner realities of life, covering a vast array of subjects, including Paneurythmy, Communion with Nature, Music, The Law of Love, Cosmic Consciousness, The Colors, Joy, The New Epoch, etc. New edition with color photographs of the Master and of Paneurythmy in the Rila Mountains. 448 pages. $15."When I speak about the new man, I have in mind the people of the Sun who live with Joy. The are exuberant, generous, and overcome their difficulties easily. They are heroes, men with open hearts. They use everything wisely. They enjoy everything. In both suffering and pleasure, the new man is filled with an inner joy. He knows that both the bad and the good conditions are given in order for him to grow." See Review | |
The Grain of Wheat This book covers a vast variety of teachings, music, prayers, photographs, and stories of Beinsa Douno, 300 pages, $25."I teach a positive Teaching that you can apply in the life and I can attempt this with anyone, so long as he is sincere. That is the priviledge of my philosopy - that it can be applied in life. I am applying this divine science in practice." "The Grain of Wheat is the symbol of the human soul." "Most people say that life is difficult. Life is difficult when we think only about people and not about God." "The following thought will now come to your minds: which doctrine is correct? A correct doctrine is one which is founded on complete, absolute faith. That means even in life's most contradictory situations not allowing a shadow of doubt about God to enter one's mind." "Life is a place for setting things up, for work. If somebody has got dirty, it does not matter. Fetch some clean water and help him to clean himself. That is the path of love, of exaltation." | |
The Master Speaks, Talks by Beinsa Douno on a number fundamental spiritual subjects: Life, The Soul, Love, Wisdom, Righteousness, God, Man, Spirit, The Good, Freedom, The Light, etc. 117 pages $16.00. "Love gives birth to the good. The good is the foundation of life. The good is the soil iof life and at the same time its nourishment. Only the good can sustain life, only the good can nourish it. When God limits Himself, the good is born in the world. When man is confined, evil is born. And when he is freed from confinement, good appears. In other words, when the desire to serve God originates within the human soul, then the conditions for the good are created." See Review |
Harmonizing of the Human Soul - a Boyan D Boev Archive These excerpts from numerous conversations with the Master were recorded by Boyan Boev over an extensive period of time, at least from the 1920's through the 1940's. As Boyan Boev demonstrated in The Wellspring of Good, he has a special ability to extract an extensive and illuminating array of teachings from the Master. The material is excellent, and not readily available from other sources. Unfortunately, the translation and editing are less than optimal, but this isn't a major issue if you are willing to "read between the lines". 552 pages. $20. "If man moves with the speed of an oxcart, ages will be needed for his consciousness to awake, but if he moves with the speed of light, it will take little time. The future order will be the order of Love; then, as an external manifestations of Love, four things will be applied: honesty, justice, purity, and selflessness. When they are applied in the social system, it will be improved. It is a solution to the issue, but how, after all, can it happen? This is an issue of awakening of the consciousness, because it is inside the human soul and has to manifest by itself. So which love will solve all human issues? It is Love in which honesty, justice and selflessness are included as elements." |